TREK1000 User Manual
© Decawave 2016
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7 U
This section describes how to use the User Interface for evaluating the different use cases.
To change between tracking and navigation use cases the user must disconnect the
USB cable from the PC, shut down the PC Application and reconnect the USB
restarting the PC Application.
7.1 Navigation or Tracking Use Cases
1. Configure the DIP switches on the 4 EVB1000 units
a. Set switch 1 to [ON]
b. Select a data rate with switch 2: 6.8 Mbps [ON], 110 kbps [OFF]
c. Select a channel with switch 3: Channel 5 [ON], Channel 2 [OFF]
d. Configure 3 units as Anchors: switch 4 is [ON]
e. Configure 1 unit as a Tag: switch 4 is [OFF]
f. Set the ID of the Tag to 0: switches 5,6 & 7 [OFF]
g. Set the IDs of the Anchors to 0, 1 & 2: switches 5,6,7 = [000, 001, 010]
h. Switch 8 is reserved so this can be [ON] or [OFF]
2. Mount the 3 Anchors at the same height
3. Measure the coordinates of the Anchors
using a laser pointer or other accurate
method. Alternatively, use the Auto-Positioning feature to measure coordinates.
4. Power the Anchors and Tags using one of the following methods:
a. USB power supply (not provided)
b. USB battery pack (not provided)
c. Connect to a PC (not provided)
d. Connect to a mobile battery (not provided) using the DC leads (provided)
5. Connect the PC:
a. For Tracking Use Case: Connect Anchor 0 to the PC
b. For Navigation Use Case: Connect the Tag to the PC
6. Wait for the start message to disappear and then the TREKs are ready (about 20 s)
7. Start the DecaRangeRTLS PC Application
Check ‘Navigation/Tracking Mode’ in the Configuration Tab of Settings
8. Enter the Anchor locations into the Anchor Table Pane - note the Anchor heights (z)
must be the same:
a. Set Anchor 0 to coordinates (0, 0, z)
b. Set Anchor 1 to measured coordinates (x1, y1, z)
c. Set Anchor 2 to measured coordinates (x2, y2, z)
9. Track the Tag as it moves around the zone created by the Anchors
Setup Note 1
: If the system does not operate as expected when the settings of any of the
DIP switches are changed it may be necessary to operate the switches a number of times.
They have been known to stick and not operate correctly. Toggling them a number of times
generally resolves the issue.