2.1.3 Match Threshold Levels
Match Threshold Levels establishes a balance between False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False
Rejection Rate (FRR). FAR is the frequency of a non-authorized user is falsely recognized and
granted access to the system. FRR the frequency of an enrolled and authorized user, who should be
granted access to the system, is denied on the basis that the system did not recognize. FAR and
FRR affect each other. Lower FAR yields to higher FRR.
You can set match threshold levels on a per-use basis. The higher the threshold is set, the higher
the security is ensured; however, it is recommended to leave this setting as default, threshold
value = 3, since the default threshold is commonly accepted as the balance of FAR and FRR rate.
In case of fingerprint verification difficulty, one can enter ID number before fingerprint verification
(1:1 match) or lower the matching threshold (1: N).
Table 2-1 Match threshold description
2.1.4 User ID number
Before the fingerprint enrollment, a user is assigned with a User ID Number. This ID number is
matched with a user’s identity and the matching fingerprint template during verification process.
An ID number is assigned sequentially based on availability; however, you may choose any ID
number as desired.
2.1.5 Authority/Privilege Level
David-Link DL-A Door Access Control System contains authority/privilege levels:
one whose identity must be verified in order to gain access into a facility or to have
his/her attendance recorded.
Enroll Manager:
One who only has access to enroll a new user.
General Manager:
One who has access to all menu functions, except advanced settings.
Super Manager:
One who has access to all functions and is allowed to make any change in
the system setting.