Once the salt level in the pool is correct the unit may be switched ON. The OPERATION LED will be green,
and no cell output will be seen for approx. 120 seconds, this allows the pump and filter to prime and the cell
housing to fill with water. After this start-up delay, the bar meter should light up showing all five LEDs. At this
point the OPERATION LED should be green; if it is red it indicates that there is a problem and please refer to
the table below.
Low electrical conductivity
As the salt concentration in the water is diluted, the water’s conductivity drops. This will be shown on the
control panel by a reduction from 5 working green LEDs of the production display, to 4. This may reduce
further to 3 etc. A low salt level (or low electrical conductivity to be more accurate) can also be created by
cold water, a calcified salt cell, or a cell that’s starting to wear.