The valid selection range for the ID-NET™ Slave addresses is from 01 to 31. Address
selections outside of this range are not accepted by the ID-NET™ network. The x100 switch
in this case refers to the ID-NET™ baudrate.
4.3.3 Baudrate Selection
The Host network baudrates cannot be set through the baudrate switches
In the special case where SC4000 is used as an ID-NET™ network Slave, the ID-NET™
baudrate is selected through the baudrate switch and must match the Master ID-NET™
baudrate. The settings are:
ID-NET™ Baudrate Switch
0 = 19200 Baud 5 = 500 kBaud
1 = 38400 Baud 6 = 1 MBaud
2 = 57600 Baud 7 = Reserved
3 = 125 kBaud 8 = Reserved
4 = 250 kBaud 9 = Reserved
4.3.4 Write Protection Lock
Figure 12 – Write Protection
A write protection switch is provided to protect configuration data from being inadvertently
overwritten. When this switch is in the lock position, the Backup function is not available
(data cannot be written to the backup memory) and a diagnostic warning message will be
shown on the display. The Restore function is available.