Installation and User Guide
DS6x00 EtherNet/IP Scanner
Rev 1.02
There are numerous application layer competitors to EIP including Modbus/TCP from Groupe
Schneider, PROFInet from Siemens, HSE Fieldbus from the Fieldbus foundation and other
vendors. Unfortunately space prevents a detailed review of each of these products. However,
none of these competitors can provide the vendor support, flexibility and total architecture
support offered by the implementation of CIP over Ethernet.
EIP implementation is not without challenges. Two of the most important challenges to the first
time user include training and network configuration. One common problem is the lack of
trained staff who understand both the IT fundamentals and the automation network. A
collaborative effort between the IT and Automation staffs is required to successfully implement
the first Ethernet/IP system. A second challenge is proper network configuration. Planning your
Ethernet factory automation infrastructure is essential. Careful identification of all your control
loops, choosing the correct routers, switches and paths and documenting your network properly
are requisites for a communications network which meets your production goals and requires
little ongoing maintenance.
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