Installation and User Guide
DS6x00 EtherNet/IP Scanner
Rev 1.02
Configuration Control
The Configuration Control attribute is a bitmap used to control network configuration attributes.
This attribute value is fixed at 0 since network configuration information is not available to the
6x00 EtherNet/IP Scanner.
0 – 3
Startup Configuration
0 – The device uses the interface configuration values stored in
non-volatile memory
1 – The device obtains the interface configuration values via
BOOTP at startup
2 – The device obtains the interface configuration values via
DHCP at startup
3 – 15 Reserved for future use
DNS Enable
1 (TRUE) the device shall resolve host names by querying a
DNS server
5 – 31
Physical Link Object
This attribute identifies the object associated with the underlying physical communications
interface. The first byte is the path size in words, followed by the path to the object. Ethernet is
always used for this application, so the path value is fixed.
Interface Configuration
This attribute contains the configuration parameters required to operate as a TCP/IP node. The
following are the fields of the Interface Configuration structure. These values are modifiable via
Genius only, so the attributes are read only.
Data Type Meaning
IP Address
The device’s IP Address
Network Mask
The device’s network mask. The network mask is used
when the IP network has been partitioned into subnets. The
network mask is used to determine whether an IP address
is located on another subnet.
Gateway Address
The IP address of the device’s default gateway. When a
destination IP address is on a different subnet, packets are
forwarded to the default gateway for routing to the
destination subnet.
Name Server
The IP address of the primary name server. The name
server is used to resolve host names. For example, that
might be contained in a CIP connection path.
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