AMT58x-EC EtherCAT®
01 Sync Type
[Unsigned16, rw]
Default = 1
0: FreeRun; see on page 34;
1: Synchronous with SM3 Event; see on page 36;
2: DC mode synchronous with SYNC0 event; see on page 37.
02 Cycle time
[Unsigned32, ro]
this parameter depends on the Sync Type selected:
if “FreeRun”: interval between two position samplings (internal
if “Synchronized with SM3”: min. interval between two SM3
if “Synchronized with DC Sync0”: Sync0 cycle time.
03 Shift Time
[Unsigned32, ro]
Interval between the synchronization event and the moment of
inputs latching from hardware. This parameter is calculated
04 Sync modes supported
[Unsigned16, ro]
Default = 7
bit 0: FreeRun (supported)
bit 1: Synchronous with SM3 (supported)
bit 2: Synchronous with DC SYNC0 (supported)
05 Minimum cycle time
[Unsigned32, ro]
Max. duration of the encoder internal cycle time. This
parameter is calculated dynamically and depends on the
operating parameters and the position value.
06 Calc and Copy time
[Unsigned32, ro]
Time the internal micro-controller (DSP) needs to make
calculations on latched optical reading of position and then
copy updated data from local memory to ESC memory (Sync
Manager) before they are available to EtherCAT. This
parameter is calculated dynamically and depends on the
operating parameters and the position value.
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