AMT58x-EC EtherCAT®
100A-00 Software version
[String, ro]
It shows the software version of the device.
1010-01 Store parameters
[Unsigned32, rw]
Use this object to save all parameters on the non-volatile memory.
Write "save" in ASCII code in the data bytes:
Master Encoder
Cmd specific data
Cmd Index Sub
23 10 10 01 73 61 76 65
Encoder Master (confirmation)
Cmd specific data
Cmd Index Sub
60 10 10 01 00 00 00 00
1011-01 Restore default parameters
[Unsigned32, rw]
This object allows you to restore all parameters to default values.
The default parameters are set at the factory by Datalogic
Automation engineers to allow the operator to run the device for
standard operation in a safe mode. A list of machine data and
relevant default parameters preset by Datalogic Automation s.r.l.
engineers is available on page 56.
Write "load" in ASCII code in the data bytes:
Master Encoder
Cmd specific data
Cmd Index Sub
23 11 10 01 6C 6F 61 64
Encoder Master (confirmation)
Cmd specific data
Cmd Index Sub
60 11 10 01 00 00 00 00
To save the default values execute the “Store parameters” function
(see object
1010-01 Store parameters
). When the power is turned
off, parameters not saved are lost.
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