AMT58x-EC EtherCAT®
5.7 Firmware upgrade
Firmware upgrade process has to be accomplished by skilled and
competent personnel. If the upgrade is not performed according to
the instructions provided or a wrong or incompatible firmware
program is installed then the unit may not be updated correctly, in
some cases preventing the unit from working.
The XML file version, the firmware version and the EEProm version
must always comply. For example: if the firmware version is H1_S4
(Hardware version: 1; Software version: 4), it is mandatory that the
EEProm version is S4, therefore you must then install the XML file
version V4.
It is mandatory that in an EtherCAT network all devices are provided
with the same version of the firmware, EEProm and XML file. So
when you need to replace an old encoder installed in your network,
then you must either upgrade all the encoders in the network to the
last version compatible with the new encoder; or you must
downgrade the new encoder to the older version compatible with the
encoders already installed in the network.
Firmware is a software program which controls the functions and
operation of a device; the firmware program, sometimes referred to
as “user program”, is stored in the flash memory integrated inside the
unit. Datalogic encoders are designed so that the firmware can be
easily updated by the user himself. This allows Datalogic Automation
s.r.l. to make new improved firmware programs available during the
lifetime of the product.
Typical reasons for the release of new firmware programs are the
necessity to make corrections, improve and even add new
functionalities to the device.
The firmware upgrading program consists of a single file having
.EFW extension. It is downloadable from the web or released by
Datalogic Automation s.r.l.
You must upgrade the EEProm before upgrading the firmware.
Buy: www.ValinOnline.com | Phone 844-385-3099 | Email: [email protected]