AMT58x-EC EtherCAT®
1018 Identification object
01 Vendor number
[Unsigned32, ro]
Default = 0000 012Eh
02 Product number
[Unsigned32, ro]
03 Revision number
[Unsigned32, ro]
04 Serial number
[Unsigned32, ro]
1A00-01 PDO mapping parameter
[Unsigned32, rw]
This object contains the mapped position value of the encoder
according to DS406 device profile.
Default = 6004 0020h
1C00 Sync Manager Communication Type
01 SM MailBox Receive (SM0)
[Unsigned8, ro]
Default = 1
02 SM MailBox Send (SM1)
[Unsigned8, ro]
Default = 2
03 SM PDO output (SM2)
[Unsigned8, ro]
Default = 3
04 SM PDO input (SM3)
[Unsigned8, ro]
Default = 4
1C12-00 Sync Manager RxPDO Assigned
[Unsigned8, ro]
This device does not support receive PDO messages.
Default = 0
1C13-01 Sync Manager TxPDO Assigned
[Unsigned32, ro]
This device uses TxPDO messages to send the position value.
Default = 0000 1A00hex
1C33 Sync Manager input parameter
Some sub-indexes of object 1C33hex are calculated dynamically and
depend on both the encoder configuration (programmed resolution,
counting direction, …) and the synchronization mode (SM or DC).
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