DATAKOM DKG-705 User’s Manual
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The DKG-705 has a set of programmable parameters to define the No Break Transfer operation.
These parameters are:
P_512 Mains Low Limit:
Each of the mains phase voltages must be over this limit.
P_513 Mains High Limit:
Each of the mains phase voltages must be below this limit.
P_514 Gen Low Limit:
Each of the genset phase voltages must be over this limit.
P_515 Gen High Limit:
Each of the genset phase voltages must be below this limit.
P_516 Low Frequency Shutdown:
The genset frequency must be over this limit.
P_517 Low Frequency Warning:
The genset frequency must be over this limit.
P_518 High Frequency Shutdown:
The genset frequency must be below this limit.
P_519 High Frequency Warning:
The genset frequency must be below this limit.
P_522 Mains Frequency Low Limit:
The mains frequency must be over this limit.
P_523 Mains Frequency High Limit:
The mains frequency must be below this limit.
P_A00 No Break Transfer:
This parameter enables/disables the No Break Transfer feature.
P_A06 Ignore Phase Order:
If set, this parameter will disable the phase order check. The phase order
check should be disabled only in single phase gensets.
P_A07 Synchronization Fail Timeout:
If the phase and voltage synchronization is not successful before
the expiration of this timer, then the DKG-705 renounces the
No Break Transfer
and makes a Transfer
with Interruption.
P_A09 Contactor Timeout:
This is the maximum time duration in which both contactors are active in case
No Break Transfer
P_A10 Max Frequency Difference:
This is the maximum difference between mains and genset
frequencies to enable a
NO Break Transfer
P_A11 Max Voltage Difference:
This is the maximum difference between the mains phase-R and the
genset phase-U voltages to enable a
NO Break Transfer
P_A12 Max Phase Difference:
This is the maximum phase difference between the mains phase-R and
the genset phase-U to enable a
No Break Transfer
P_760 to P_766:
These parameters define the function of digital input_6.
P_770 to P_776:
These parameters define the function of digital input_7.