DataKinetics DSC110 / DSC210 User Manual Issue 12
Page 11
1.1.3 User Interface
The DSC210 provides serial port(s) and telnet connections for configuration and
management. All ports provide identical functionality and operate using text based
MML (Man Machine Language) commands in accordance with CCITT
The serial ports allow the user to configure the converter for operation and to carry
out subsequent modifications to the configuration. They allow the user to read the
current status of the various signalling entities and to view the current active
alarms and a history of past alarm events.
The converter has alarm indicators on the front panel and alarm relays for
connection to an integrated management system.
1.1.4 Configuration and Program storage
All configuration data is stored in non-volatile memory and may optionally be
dumped to floppy disk for backup purposes or to allow a previous configuration to
be re-loaded.
All program storage is in non-volatile solid state memory. The operating software
can be updated by inserting a new software release in the floppy disk drive.
Following a software update the converter will automatically use the saved
configuration data so there is no need to re-enter the configuration parameters.
1.2 Functional Summary
1.2.1 SS7 Signalling
The converter supports up to 16 SS7 signalling links in up to 8 signalling linksets.
This allows the converter to be connected up to a maximum of 8 other signalling
points. When a linkset contains two signalling links the converter supports load
sharing and the full changeover and changeback procedures in accordance with
ITU-T Q.704.
The converter supports the Message Transfer Part (MTP) in accordance with ITU
Recommendations Q.700 .. Q.704 and Q.707 and ANSI operation in accordance
with ANSI T1.111.
If required, each signalling link in a linkset can be terminated on a separate
signalling card providing additional resilience.
The converter currently supports the following User Part variants:
ETSI ISUP Version 2
Q.767 ISUP
NUP (UK National User Part)
Australian Interconnect ISUP
New Zealand Interconnect ISUP (2 Variants)
Japanese TTC ISUP
Blue Book TUP
China TUP
SSUTR2 (French TUP)