Wipe Transition Selection
WIPE Transition Selection
The HS-1200 has 8 user defined wipe buttons that allow the user
to select WIPE transition effect directly from the control panel.
The REV button reverses the direction of the selected WIPE.
All wipes can have an optional colour border applied. The wipe
border width and colour are chosen within the menu system.
Transitions can be performed manually using the T-Bar or
automatically by using the SPEED and AUTO TAKE buttons.
Vertical Wipe Left to Right
Vertical Wipes from Centre to Left and
Right sides
Upper Left corner Wipe to Lower
Right corner
Box Wipe from Centre to outside
Diamond Wipe from Centre to outside
Circle Wipe from Centre to outside
Cross Wipe from Centre to outside
Heart Wipe from Centre to outside
Program & Preview Source Row
The Program row of buttons is the active channel, this is the live output. The active channel will appear
as the Program Output. You can switch or CUT from one video source to another directly on the
Program row. You will see the multi view Program output change as you press different keys along this
top row of buttons.
The Preset row is the cued channel; this channel will appear in the Preview window. The Preset row
selection decides which input will be transitioned next when using any of the transition controls.
Buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are video source buttons.