Analog Devices ADSP-2126x SHARC® DSP Peripherals Manual
Analog Devices ADSP-21262S Product Data Sheet
Cypress Semiconductor CyberClocks™
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Hardware Description
The dspstak 21262sx includes all dspstak DSP Engine standard features. These features are
discussed in a general way in the dspstak Family Users Manual and are as follows:
Power Supply
RS-232 Interface
USB Interface
Interconnect Port
Programmable Clock
JTAG Header
Each of these areas is discussed in more detail in this manual.
If you are creating your own I/O Modules, you may want to restrict your design to rely only on the
standard features. This will insure that your I/O Modules are compatible with future dspstak DSP
Engines. On the other hand, if you want to take advantage of the increased capabilities of the
dspstak 21262sx, you may want to disregard some of the restrictions. In general, you can assume
that future dspstak DSP Engines based on the 3
generation SHARC family will support the
Interconnect Port in a manner similar to the dspstak 21262sx.
Power Supply
The dspstak 21262sx uses a standard 2.1/5.5mm coaxial power jack to provide power to itself and
also any I/O modules via the Interconnect Port. From the dspstak 21262sx view, this supply may be
either an AC supply or a DC supply with the center of the coaxial power plug connected as the
positive pin. Adjacent to the coaxial jack, there are 3 pads spaced at 0.100 inch that may be used
as an alternative connection to provide a bipolar DC supply to the board. These pads are labeled
JH6 and can accommodate a .025 header or similar connector. This alternate connection method
is not standard in earlier dspstak DSP Engines but will be standard in future products.
The incoming voltage is half wave rectified to create new unregulated DC supplies called Va+ and
Va-. An additional internal supply is also created to provide the input to switching regulators that
are used for digital supplies. From these unregulated supplies, Va+5 (5.0 Volt Analog), Vd+5 (5
dspstak™ 21262sx User Manual
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