Description: Resync the Peripheral Microcontroller
Command: 0x0F
Byte 3 (DSP): 0x0F
Response: 0x00
This command is used in the event that packet order is somehow misaligned. After
this command is executed, the Peripheral Controller will expect the next byte to be
Byte 1.
Com Port Commands
Description: Write to the Com Port.
Command: 0x01
Byte to transmit
Response: 0x00
This command puts a byte on the transmit FIFO. The length of the FIFO is 32 bytes
The Peripheral Controller automatically sends out by bytes at the selected baud rate.
You should check the UART TX Space Available Status bit in the next packet. If the
last byte was unsuccessfully added to the FIFO (the Transmit FIFO was full), the
application can resend this byte.
Description: Read from the Com Port.
Command: 0x02
Don’t Care
Next available byte from the Receive FIFO.
This command gets a byte from the receive FIFO. The length of the FIFO is 32 bytes.
If there is no pending data (the Receive FIFO was empty), the command is treated as
a NOP, and therefore the Response will be 0x00. The UART RX Data Available
Status bit can be used to validate the data. This would distinguish between a data
“0x00” and a NOP response.
dspstak™ 21262sx User Manual
Page 25