EE Memory Commands
Description: Sets the EE Address Pointer
Command: 0x05
EE Address
Response: 0x00
The EE Address pointer is auto incremented after every valid EE_WR or EE_RD
operation. The valid address range is 0x00 to 0x7F (128 bytes). The EE Data at
Address 0x7F is reserved by the bootloader to hold the default baud rate, so don’t
overwrite this location.
Description: Enables Writes to the EE Memory
Command: 0x09
0x42 (Enable), All other values (Disable)
Response: 0x00
This command allows the EE memory to be written. You should disable writes after
you are done writing the EE Memory. EE_WREN is always disabled after a system
Description: Write EE at current EE Address
Command: 0x06
EE Data
Response: 0x00
This command is only valid if the EE_WREN has been enabled. EE Data is written to
the current address pointed to by the EE Address Pointer. This address is set by the
EE_ADDR command and auto incremented after every EE_WR or EE_RD.
The EE Data at Address 0x7F is reserved by the bootloader to hold the default baud
rate, so don’t overwrite this location.
You cannot write the EE Memory faster than 1 byte every 10 ms. The EE Busy Status
Bit will be 1 while a write is in progress. You can use this bit to time EE writes.
dspstak™ 21262sx User Manual
Page 27