m Version 3.11
Manual RS.8A.N5.0 © Danfoss 10-007
Text codes can be added that add other information into the message. These
codes are as follows:
Sends the Store Name.
Sends the Last Alarm Message
Sends a count of alarms and muted alarms
in the format /4.
Sends the Carriage Return (CR) character.
Sends the Line Feed (LF) character.
Sends the \ character.
Sends the / character.
Sends output name.
An typical text string will take the form:
Alarm at
\S = \A\R
This page info string would cause pager '13456' to receive a message in the
"Alarm at Danfoss Superstore = 24 Fresh Fish
6.4 Hi>6.0"
The pager info field is limited to a maximum of 30 characters
Finally, press ‘
’ to return to the Setup Menu.
Probe curves can be used to define the relationship between input Resistance
or Current values and engineering units (e.g. Temperature, Pressure etc.). For
example, probe curves could be used for a gas detection sensor.
This option allows you to define such a relationship for 4 separate curve
types using information about Resistance/Current to Output Value transfer
characteristic of a given probe, supplied by probe manufacturers. From the Set-
up Menu, select the Define Probe Curves option. The Curve Table Set-up screen
is displayed. There are 4 curve tables available - Cf1, Cf, Cf3 and Cf4. Use the
‘ ’ or ‘ ’ keys to cycle through the curves until the correct type is displayed.
The table can have up to 1 break points to define the Curve Table relationship.
Each of these break points will have a corresponding Input and Output value
which must be entered by the user. The Output value will be the reading which
should be displayed on the Point Detail /Overview Screen for a given Resistance/
Current value. The Input Value will be an Internally Scaled version of that
Resistance/Current Input value.
Below are explanations of each fields displayed for defining the curve tables:
Con 1 as
This field is for selecting either 'RESISTOR' or
'CURRENT' depending on the type of probe being used.
To use =
This field displays the Internally Scaled version of a
Resistance/Current connected across the unit's
Input 1 and COM terminals. This value will be in
the range of 0 to 9999. This readout is used to
determine what to put in the Input field when
setting up the Curve Table.
Converted =
This field displays the result of applying the
selected Curve table function to the 'To use ='
value being displayed. Thus when no Break Input
& Output values have been entered, this will give
an out of range reading (SC/OC). As a Curve
Table is built up, however, it will start to show the
Output value corresponding to whatever the
Resistance/Current connected across Input 1.
Defining the Probe Curves
Pager Info