AutomationDrive EtherNet/IP
MG.90.J1.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Bit 12, Drive OK/Stopped, auto start:
Bit 12 = ‘0’ means that there is no temporary
over temperature on the inverter.
Bit 12 = ‘1’ means that the inverter has
stopped because of over temperature, but that
the unit has not tripped and will resume
operation once the over temperature stops.
Bit 13, Voltage OK/Voltage exceeded:
Bit 13 = ‘0’ means that there are no voltage
Bit 13 = ‘1’ means that the DC voltage in the
frequency converter’s intermediate circuit is
too low or too high.
Bit 14, Torque OK/Torque limit exceeded:
Bit 14 = ‘0’ means that the motor current is
lower than the torque limit selected in par.
4-16 and 4-17 Torque limit.
Bit 14 = ‘1’ means that the torque limit in par.
4-16 and 4-17 Torque limit has been exceeded.
The nominal torque can be read in par. 16-16
Bit 15, Thermal OK/limit exceeded:
Bit 15 = ‘0’ means that the timers for both
motor thermal protection and VLT thermal
protection, have not exceeded 100%.
Bit 15 = ‘1’ means that one of the limits has
exceeded 100%.