Camera Calibration
Color Correction Matrix
The color matrix adds color space conversion functionality to the camera, allowing you to
improve the color response. A color space is a way to manage the display of image color
using a three-dimensional coordinate system. Different color spaces are best for different
devices, such as RGB (red-green-blue) for CRT monitors or YCbCr (luminance-chrominance)
for digital television.
The color correction matrix provides a flexible and efficient means to convert image data
from one color space to another, using user-entered multipliers. This process is suitable for
use in a wide variety of image processing and display applications. The primary purpose of
the color correction is to make color display better on the output device (i.e CRT, LCD,
Plasma, etc.).
In order to get the decimal equivalent multiplication, every number in the table has to be
divided by 4096.
The table should be read as follows:
RED = 4096(/4096)*
+ 0*
+ 0*
+ Offset
GREEN = 0*
+ 4096(/4096)*
+ 0*
+ Offset
BLUE = 0*
+ 0*
+ 4096(/4096)*
+ Offset
The default values in the color correction matrix are:
Color Correction: O r g b
r 0 4096 0 0
g 0 0 4096 0
b 0 0 0 4096