Camera Operation
Frame Start Trigger Mode
Specifies whether the external fixed length frame trigger
is on or off. If the FrameTriggerActiveMode is on then it
takes precedence.To turn On, please DeviceScanType to
Linescan (Start Mode).
Frame Start Trigger Activation Specifies what type of signal(i.e. high, or low) causes a
fixed length frame trigger when Frame Start Trigger Mode
is On.
Frame Start Delay
Enable the delayer.
GigE Vision Input Controls
Line Trigger Function Group
The Line Trigger Control section describes all features related to line acquisition using
trigger(s). One or many Trigger(s) can be used to control the start of an Acquisition, of a
Line. It can also be used to control the exposure duration at the beginning of a line.
Line Trigger Mode
The state of the line trigger. If the trigger is off, then the
line trigger is internally generated otherwise it is caused
by an external signal
Line Trigger Source
The external line that causes a line trigger.The line
trigger is from GPIO_PIN0. This feature is available only
when Line Trigger Mode in set to On.
Line Trigger Activation
Specifies what type of signal(i.e. high, or low) causes a
line trigger if Line Trigger Mode is On.
External Line Trigger
Reads the external line trigger frequency. NOTE: The
camera cannot detect frequency less than 5 Hz and will
display 1 if it cannot detect a signal. This featuer is
available when the Line Trigger Mode is se to ON and
Sensor Direction Control is set to External
Read External Line Frequency Read the external line trigger frequency and updates the
ExternalLineTriggerFrequency register. This feature is
available when the Line Trigger Mode is set to On.
Input / Output Control
CamExpert groups the camera I / O Controls Parameters in either the Inputs group or the Outputs. These parameters
allow configuring the Spyder3 inputs and outputs for type of signal and signal polarity.
GigE Vision Input Controls
Inputs Group
This group contains the features that allow the configuration of the camera physical input
lines (pins)
Line Selector
This feature selects which physical line (or pin) of the
external device connector to configure. When a Line is
selected, all the other Line features will be applied to its
associated I/O control block and will condition the
resulting input or output signal. Line0-- Line Trigger,
Line1-- Frame Trigger, Line2 -- Direction. If rotary