Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
• Simple ASCII protocol controls gain, offset, line rates, trigger mode, pixel correction,
test p attern ou tp u t, and cam era d iagnostics.
• Serial interface (ASCII, 9600 baud, ad justable to 19200, 57600, 115200), through
Cam era Link.
• Programm able gains, offsets, and camera controls
• End-of-line sequence and test pattern output for debugging
• Single input su pply (+12V to +15V)
• Compliant with CE and MIL-STD-810E (shock and vibration)
Piranh a 2 takes p erform ance to a new level. Tw o and fou r 8 or 10-bit ou tp u ts (selectable)
at u p to 40MH z d eliver u p to 160MH z throu gh p u t.
Available in 1k to 8k resolu tions, Piran ha 2 is sm all, light, and u ses a single voltage p ow er
su p p ly. Cabling an d interface are sim p lified w ith the Cam era Link high -sp eed serial
stand ard . The cam era is sen sitive, bu t still p rovid es qu iet, u niform ou tp u t thanks to CDS
(correlated d ou ble sam p lin g) and em bed d ed flat -field correction algorithm s. Gain an d
offset are fu lly p rogram m able for each ou tp u t channel, an d the cam era can ou tp u t test
p attern s for cable/ system trou bleshooting. All resolu tions p rovid e ap p rop riate, read ily -
available stan d ard lens op tions (C-m ou nt, F-m ou nt, and M72x0.75 large form at
p hotograp hy stand ard s).
All these featu res com bine to m ake Piranh a 2 the m ost p ow erfu l line scan cam era in th e
w orld . Set it loose on you r tou ghest im aging challenge.
The Piranh a 2 is id eal for ap p lications requ iring high sp eed , su p erior im age qu ality, and
high resp onsivity.
Ap p lications in clu d e:
Electronics m anu factu ring in sp ection
Postal/ p arcel sorting
H igh p erform ance d ocu m ent scanning/ im age lift
N arrow and large w eb insp ection
H igh-end ind u strial in sp ection
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