Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
To set the nu m ber of lines to sam p le, u se the com m and :
Syntax Elem ents:
N u m ber of lines to sam p le. Allow able valu es are 16, 32,
or 64 (factory setting).
N otes:
To retu rn the cu rrent setting, use the
com m and .
Exam p le:
css 32
To retu rn the average of m u ltip le lines of vid eo, u se the com m and :
gla [
Syntax Elem ents:
Op tional p aram eter. This sets the start p ixel to d isp lay
on screen. Allow able range is 1 to sensor p ixel cou nt.
This valu e d oes not affect the Min, Max, and Mean
statistics generated at the end of the line ou tp u t.
Op tional p aram eter. This sets the end p ixel to d isp lay on
screen. Allow able range is 1 to sensor p ixel cou nt. This
valu e d oes not affect the Min, Max, and Mean statistics
generated at the end of the line ou tp u t.
N otes:
If you d o not sp ecify a p ixel range to d isp lay, the line ou tp u t
w ill d isp lay all sensor pixels on screen.
If a region of interest has been set u sing the
com m and ,
the Min, Max, and Mean statistics at the end of the line
ou tp u t inclu d e statistics for the region of interest only.
If you are u sing the 4 tap m od el, and you r region of interest
is in one h alf of the sensor only (tap s 1 and 2, or tap s 3 and 4),
the valu es d isp layed on screen for the tap s ou tsid e the ROI
are a m ean of the ROI line statistics.
Valu es retu rned are in DN .
Exam p le:
gl 10 20
3.12 Optimizing Offset Performance
Op tim izing offset p erform an ce in the analog d om ain allow s you to achieve a better
signal-to-n oise ratio (d ynam ic range) th an you w ou ld achieve by trying to op tim ize the
offset in the d igital d om ain.
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