Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
To perform a w hite light calibration:
Place a w hite reference in front of the cam era.
Verify that ou tp u t sign al level is w ithin range by issu ing the com m and
(valid range is 128-254). If signal level is too low or too high, ad ju st the gain u sing the
com m and
Instru ct the cam era to p erform a w hite light calibration u sing the com m an d
. The
cam era w ill resp ond w ith OK> if no error occu rs.
To perform a w hite light calibration w ith an analog gain value:
Use the
com m an d . When the op tion al p aram eter is p rovid ed the an alog gain
is ad ju sted to p rod u ce an average w hite p ixel level that is equ ivalent to the p aram eter.
This com m and sets the an alog gain first to
before calcu lating the PRN U coefficients
range from 64 to 251DN for 8-bit d ata m od e, and 256 to 1007DN for 10-bit d ata m od e.
If valu e is left blank, cu rrent gain valu es are u sed .
After the calibration is com p lete, you can save these settin gs to non -volatile m em ory
so they w ill be rem em bered after p ow er -d ow n. To d o so, issu e the com m an d
Returning Calibration Results and Errors
After calibration, you can retrieve the resu lts u sing the com m and
This fu nction
returns all the pixel coefficients in the order FPN, PRNU, FPN, PRNU… The camera also
retu rns the p ixel nu m ber w ith each coefficient.
To set a range for the retu rned coefficients p rovid e an op tional p ixel start and end valu e:
Example: display pixel coefficient from pixel 10 to 20
dpc 10 20
The com m an d
retu rns all other settings.
3.15 Setting and Reading FPN Coefficients
You can set or read an individual pixel’s FPN coefficient.
To set the FPN coefficient, u se the com m and :
i i
Syntax Elem ents:
The p ixel nu m ber from 1 to the p ixel cou nt.
Coefficient valu e in a range from 0 to 127.
Exam p le:
sfc 10 50
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