Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Verify Voltage
To check the camera’s input voltages and internal voltages, use the
com m and . If they
are w ithin the p rop er range, the cam era retu rn s OK>. Oth erw ise the cam era retu rns an
error m essage.
Verify Temperature
To check the internal tem p eratu re of the cam era, u se the
com m and . For p rop er
op eration, this valu e sh ou ld not exceed 75°C.
Verify Pixel Coefficients
To activate vid eo correction, send the com m an d
svm 1
. Then u se the
com m and to
display the pixel coefficients in the order FPN, PRNU, FPN, PRNU… The camera also
retu rns the p ixel nu m ber w ith each coefficient.
End-of-line Sequence
To fu rther aid d ebu gging, the cam era can generate an en d -of-line sequ ence. The end -of-
line-sequ ence ou tp u ts "aa", "55", "line cou nter", "line average", "p ixels above threshold ",
"p ixels below threshold ". To activate the end -of-line sequ ence, u se the com m and
els 1
To d isable th e end -of-line sequ ence, u se the com m and
els 0
Use the
an d
com m and s to set thresh old valu es betw een 0 and 255 for 8-bit d ata
m od es, or 0 to 1023 for 10-bit d ata m od es.
LED Status
Located on the back of the cam era is a red / green LED u sed to d isp lay the op erational
statu s of the cam era. Red lights ind icate errors or w arnin gs and green lights ind icate
p rogress and OKs. Error and w arning states are accom p anied by corresp on d ing m essages
fu rther d escribing cu rrent cam era statu s.
Monitoring Tasks
The cam era enters a w arn ing state w hen any of the cam era's continu ou sly ru nning
m onitoring tasks d etects a failu re. Use the
com m and to d isp lay the statu s of all th e
d efined m onitory tasks (if no p aram eter is p assed ) an d / or to enable/ d isable sp ecific
m onitoring tasks.
6.3 Specific Solutions
No Output or Erratic Behavior
If you r cam era p rovid es no ou tp u t or behaves erratically, it m ay be p icking u p ran d om
noise from long cables acting as anten nae. Do not attach w ires to u nu sed p ins. Verify that
the cam era is not receiving sp u riou s in p u ts (e.g. EXSYN C or PRIN , if cam era is in
exp osu re m od e th at regu lates external sign als).
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