Piranha 2 User’s Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Reducing Dark Current
The Piranh a 2 m echanicals h ave been op tim ized to transfer heat from the sen sor to the
front p late. Therefore, to red u ce d ark cu rrent the front p late is the id eal p lace to m ou n t
heat sinks.
The heat fin s on Piranha 2 im p rove cond u ction and p rovid e a greater su rface area for
convection (airflow ). Mou nt fan s aw ay from the ca m era to avoid vibration, and d irect the
airflow on the heat fin s to d ecrease the tem p eratu re d elta betw een am bient and front
p late tem p eratu res. Convection is the id eal m ethod to m inim ize cam era w arm -u p tim es
and red u ce d ark cu rrent generation.
Both m ethod s— either cond u ction throu gh heat sinking, or convection throu gh air flow —
greatly red u ce d ark cu rrent and w ill im p rove you r system p erform ance.
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