DWS-3160 Series Gigabit Ethernet Unified Switch CLI Reference Guide
1-255>] | service [ip_precedence <value 0-7> | ip_tos tos_bit <hex 0x00-0xff> tos_mask <hex
0x00-0xff> | ip_dscp [af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43
| be | cs0 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | other <int 0-63>]]}] | del_rule <value 1-
12> | edit_rule <value 1-12> [type [deny | permit] | match_every [true | false] | srcip <ipaddr>
srcmask <netmask> | src_layer4_port [domain | echo | ftp | ftpdata | http | smtp | snmp |
telnet | tftp | other <int 0-65535>] | dstip <ipaddr> dstmask <netmask> | dst_layer4_port
[domain | echo | ftp | ftpdata | http | smtp | snmp | telnet | tftp | other <int 0-65535>] |
protocol [ip | icmp | igmp | tcp | udp | other <int 1-255>] | service [ip_precedence <value 0-7>
| ip_tos tos_bit <hex 0x00-0xff> tos_mask <hex 0x00-0xff> | ip_dscp [af11 | af12 | af13 | af21
| af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 |be | cs0 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 |
cs7 | ef | other <int 0-63>]]]]
- Specifies to configure a extended IP ACL, identified by ACL number.
<int 100-199>
- Enter the extended IP ACL number, used, here. This value must be between
100 and 199.
- Specifies to create a new rule for a extended IP ACL.
<value 1-12>
- Enter the new rule number for the new extended IP ACL here. This number
must be between 1 and 12.
- Specifies what action should be taken if a packet matches the rule's criteria. The
possible values are Permit or Deny.
- Specifies that the action, that will take place, if a packet matches the rule's criteria,
is deny.
- Specifies that the action, that will take place, if a packet matches the rule's criteria,
is permit.
- Specifies to match every packet. Valid values are true or false.
- Specifies that every packet is considered to match the selected ACL Rule.
- Specifies that it is not mandatory for every packet to match the selected ACL Rule.
- Specifies the source IP address of the IP ACL rule.
- Enter the source IP address, of the IP ACL rule, here.
- Specifies the source netmask of the IP ACL rule.
- Enter the source netmask, of the IP ACL rule, here.
- Specifies the destination IP address of the IP ACL rule.
- Enter the destination IP address, of the IP ACL rule, here.
- Specifies the source netmask of the IP ACL rule.
- Enter the destination netmask, of the IP ACL rule, here.
- Specifies the source Layer 4 port match condition for the IP ACL rule.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of
the service called Domain.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of the
service called Echo.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of the
service called FTP.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of
the service called FTP Data.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of the
service called HTTP.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of the
service called SMTP.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of
the service called SNMP.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of
the service called TELNET.
- Specifies that the source Layer 4 port match condition will use to port number of the
service called TFTP.
- Specifies to use a custom port number that the source Layer 4 port match condition