DWS-3160 Series Gigabit Ethernet Unified Switch CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 64
sFlow Command List
create sflow flow_sampler ports
[<portlist> | all] analyzer_server_id <value 1-4> {rate <value 0-
65535> | maxheadersize <value 18-256>}
config sflow flow_sampler ports
[<portlist> | all] {rate <value 0-65535> | maxheadersize <value
delete sflow flow_sampler ports
[<portlist> | all]
create sflow counter_poller ports
[<portlist> | all] analyzer_server_id <value 1-4> {interval
[disable | <sec 20-120>]}
config sflow counter_poller ports
[<portlist> | all] interval [disable | <sec 20-120>]
delete sflow counter_poller ports
[<portlist> | all]
create sflow analyzer_server
<value 1-4> owner <name 16> {timeout [<sec 1-2000000> |
infinite] | collectoraddress <ipaddr> | collectorport <udp_port_number 1-65535> |
maxdatagramsize <value 300-1400>}
config sflow analyzer_server
<value 1-4> {timeout [<sec 1-2000000> | infinite] | collectoraddress
<ipaddr> | collectorport <udp_port_number 1-65535> | maxdatagramsize <value 300-1400>}
delete sflow analyzer_server
<value 1-4>
enable sflow
disable sflow
show sflow
show sflow flow_sampler
show sflow counter_poller
show sflow analyzer_server
create sflow flow_sampler
This command is used to create the sFlow flow sampler. By configuring the sampling function for a
port, a sample packet received by this port will be encapsulated and forwarded to analyzer server
at the specified interval.
create sflow flow_sampler ports [<portlist> | all] analyzer_server_id <value 1-4> {rate <value
0-65535> | maxheadersize <value 18-256>}
- Specifies the list of ports to be configured.
- Enter the list of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
- Specifies all ports on the Switch.
- Specifies the ID of a server analyzer where the packet will be forwarded.
<value 1-4>
- Enter the analyzer server ID here. This value must be between 1 and 4.
- (Optional) The sampling rate for packet Rx sampling. If set to 0, the sampler is disabled. If
the rate is not specified, its default value is 0.
<value 0-65535>
- Enter the sampling rate value here. This value must be between 0 and
- (Optional) The maximum number of leading bytes in the packet which has
been sampled that will be encapsulated and forwarded to the server. If not specified, the
default value is 128.
<value 18-256>
- Enter the maximum header size here. This value must be between 18 and