DWS-3160 Series Gigabit Ethernet Unified Switch CLI Reference Guide
cs6 | cs7 | ef | other <int 0-63>] | flow_label <uint 0-1048575>]]
config wireless access_list mac
<name 1-31> [rename <name 1-31> | add_rule <value 1-12>
type [deny | permit] match_every [true | false {srcmac mac <macaddr> mask <macmask> |
dstmac [mac <macaddr> mask <macmask> | bpdu] | ethertypekey [appletalk | arp | ibmsna |
ipv4 | ipv6 | ipx | mplsmcast | mplsucast | netbios | rarp | user_value <hex 0x600-0xffff>] | cos
<value 0-7> | vlan <vlanid 0-4095>}] | del_rule <value 1-12> | edit_rule <value 1-12> [type
[deny | permit] | match_every [true | false] | srcmac mac <macaddr> mask <macmask> |
dstmac mac <macaddr> mask <macmask> | ethertypekey [appletalk | arp | ibmsna | ipv4 |
ipv6 | ipx | mplsmcast | mplsucast | netbios | rarp | user_value <hex 0x600-0xffff>] | cos
<value 0-7> | vlan <vlanid0-4095>]]
create wireless diffserv class_map
<name 1-31> match_all {[ipv4 | ipv6]}
delete wireless diffserv class_map
<name 1-31>
create wireless diffserv policy_map
<name 1-31>
delete wireless diffserv policy_map
<name 1-31>
config wireless diffserv class_map
<name 1-31> [rename <name 1-31> | match [ipv4 [any | cos
<value 0-7> | dstmac <macaddr> mask <macmask> | dstip <ipaddr> dstmask <netmask> |
dst_layer4_port [domain | echo | ftp | ftpdata | http | smtp | snmp | telnet | tftp | other <int 0-
65535>] | ethertypekey [appletalk | arp | ibmsna | ipv4 | ipv6 | ipx | mplsmcast | mplsucast |
netbios | rarp | user_value <hex 0x600-0xffff>] | ip_dscp [af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 |
af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | be | cs0 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | other
<int 0-63>] | ip_precedence <value 0-7> | ip_tos tos_bit <hex 0x00-0xff> tos_mask <hex
0x00-0xff> | protocol [ip | icmp | igmp | tcp | udp | other <int 1-255>] | reference_class <name
1-31> {remove} | srcmac <macaddr> mask <macmask> | srcip <ipaddr> srcmask <netmask> |
src_layer4_port [domain | echo | ftp | ftpdata | http | smtp | snmp | telnet | tftp | other <int 0-
65535>] | vlan <vlanid 0-4095>] | ipv6 [any | dstipv6 <ipv6addr> prefix_length <int 1-128> |
dst_layer4_port [domain | echo | ftp | ftpdata | http | smtp | snmp | telnet | tftp | other <int 0-
65535>] | flow_label <uint 0-1048575> | ip_dscp [af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 |
af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | be | cs0 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | other <int
0-63>] | protocol [ip | icmp | igmp | tcp | udp | other <int 1-255>] | reference_class <name 1-
31> {remove} | srcipv6 <ipv6addr> prefix_length <int 1-128> | src_layer4_port [domain | echo
| ftp | ftpdata | http | smtp | snmp | telnet | tftp | other <int 0-65535>]]]]
config wireless diffserv policy_map
<name 1-31> [rename <name 1-31> | add_class_member
<name 1-31> | del_class_member <name 1-31> | class <name 1-31> action [drop | mark [cos
<value 0-7> | ip_dscp [af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 |
af43 | be | cs0 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef] | ip_precedence <value 0-7>] |
police_simple [color_blind committed_rate <uint 1-4294967295> committed_burst_size <int 1-
128> conform_action [drop | set_prec_transmit <value 0-7> | set_dscp_transmit [af11 | af12 |
af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | be | cs0 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 |
cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef] | set_cos_transmit <value 0-7> | send]]]]]
show wireless access_list
[mac {<name 1-31>} | ip {[standard <int 1-99> | extended <int 100-
199> | named <name 1-31>]} | ipv6 {<name 1-31>}]
show wireless diffserv
{[class_map {class_name <name 1-31>} | policy_map {policy_name
<name 1-31>}]}
create wireless access_list
This command is used to create a MAC Access Control List (ACL), an IP ACL, an extended IP
ACL, or an IPv6 ACL. The ACLs ensure that only authorized wireless users have access to
specific resources and block any unwarranted attempts to reach wireless network resources.
create wireless access_list [mac <name 1-31> | ip [standard <int 1-99> | extended <int 100-
199> | name <name 1-31>] | ipv6 <name 1-31>]