D-Link DSR-Series User Manual
Section 8 - Security
3. Complete the fields from the table below and click
From Zone
Select the source of originating traffic: Secure (LAN), Secure (VLAN), INSECURE ( WAN1/WAN2/WAN3
(Mobile Internet)) or DMZ.
Select the source of originating traffic: Secure (LAN), INSECURE (Dedicated WAN/Optional WAN).
Available VLANs
Select VLAN name from the list of available VLANs if To Zone is selected as SECURE (VLAN).
To Zone
Select the destination of the traffic that is controlled by this firewall rule: INSECURE (Dedicated WAN/
Configurable WAN/WAN3 (Mobile Internet)), Secure (VLAN) or DMZ.
Select the destination of the traffic that is controlled by this firewall rule: INSECURE (Dedicated WAN/
Optional WAN).
Select a service from the drop-down menu. ANY means all traffic is affected by this rule.
Select an action from the drop-down menu:
• Always Block: It
blocks the selected service at all times.
• Always Allow:
It allows data matching the selected service to pass through at all times.
• Block by schedule
: It works in conjunction with a predefined schedule. The selected service will
be blocked during the schedule interval and will be allowed to pass through at other times.
• Allow by schedule
: It works in conjunction with a predefined schedule. The selected service
will be allowed to pass through during the schedule interval and will be blocked at other times.
Select Schedule
Choose a predefined schedule from the drop-down list.
Source Hosts
Select the hosts that originate the traffic for this firewall rule. If you select Single Address or Address
Range, you will need to enter the IP address or IP range.
Destination Hosts
Select the host that will receive the traffic for this firewall rule. If you select Single Address or Address
Range, you will need to enter the IP address or IP range.
Specify whether or not the packets for this rule should be logged. To log details for all packets that
match this rule, select Always. Select Never to disable logging.
QoS Priority (IPv4 only)
Assign a priority to IP packets of this service. The priorities are defined by “Type of Service (TOS) in
the Internet Protocol Suite” standards, RFC 1349. The gateway marks the Type Of Service (TOS) field
as defined below:
• Normal-Service
: No special priority is given to the traffic. The IP packets for services with this
priority are marked with a TOS value of 0.
• Minimize-Cost
: Choose this option when data must be transferred over a link that has a lower
“cost”. The IP packets for services with this priority are marked with a TOS value of 2.
• Maximize-Reliability
: Choose this option when data needs to travel to the destination over a
reliable link and with little or no retransmission. The IP packets for services with this priority are
marked with a TOS value of 4.
• Maximize-Throughput
: Choose this option when the volume of data transferred during an in-
terval is important even if the latency over the link is high. The IP packets for services with this
priority are marked with a TOS value of 8.
• Minimize-Delay
: Choose this option when the time required (latency) for the packet to reach
the destination must be low. The IP packets for services with this priority are marked with a TOS
value of 16.
2. Right-click an entry and select either
. To add a new group, click
Add New IPv4/IPv6
Firewall Rule