Step 9: Enter the required informaQon, and click
to conQnue.
Step 10: For both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless frequencies, create a name (SSID) for your
Wi-‐Fi network. Each Wi-‐Fi network will also need a password of at least 8 characters. Your
wireless clients will need to have this password or key to be able to connect to your wireless
network. Click
to conQnue.
(Password suggesQon: It is suggested that you choose a password that is easy for you to
remember but, difficult for others to guess. Strong passwords should include a combinaQon
of le=ers and numbers).
Step 11: In order to secure your router, create a password to access the router’s web-‐based
configuraQon interface. This should be different from the password to connect to the Wi-‐Fi
network. Enter your password in the
field provided, and again in the