on the back of the DIR-‐868L
Step 3: Connect your Cable/DSL modem to the Internet port on the DIR-‐868L
Step 4: Plug in the power for your cable or DSL broadband modem and wait for two minutes
while the modem iniQalizes.
Step 5: Power on the DIR-‐868L and wait unQl the ‘power’ LED on the front of the device
turns green.
Step 6: Open an Internet browser (such as Internet Explorer) and enter h=p://dlinkrouter,
h=p://dlinkrouter.local or h=p:// into the address bar.
Step 7:
If this is your first Qme logging in to the router, the Setup Wizard will start automaQcally.
This wizard will guide you through a step-‐by-‐step process to configure your new D-‐Link
router and connect to the Internet. Click
to conQnue.