Enter the desired
in the field provided. For 64 bit keys you must enter 10 hex digits
into the WEP key field. For 128 bit keys you must enter 26 hex digits into the WEP key field.
A hex digit is either a number from 0 to 9 or a le=er from A to F.
You may also enter any text string into a WEP key box, in which case it will be converted into
a hexadecimal key using the ASCII values of the characters. A maximum of 5 text characters
can be entered for 64 bit keys, and a maximum of 13 characters for 128 bit keys.
Save Se8ngs
to save your configuraQon.
12.How do I change the Wi-‐Fi Password on my router?
Method 1
Step 1: Open your Internet browser and enter h=p://dlinkrouter, h=p://dlinkrouter.local, or
h=p:// into the address bar.
Enter your login informaQon. If you have not changed the default seTngs, the username is
Admin and the password field should be led blank. Click