CYW954907AEVAL1F Evaluation Kit User Guide, Doc. No. 002-22338 Rev. **
Code Examples
Create a Certificate for a Thing
To create a certificate, perform these steps:
1. In the AWS IoT Console window, go to
Manage > Things
, and then click the created Thing (for
example: 54907_aws). The created Thing window appears.
2. In the left navigation pane, click
and then click the
Create certificate
button as shown
in Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-11. Create Certificate
3. On the Certificate created page, click the Download button for the certificate and private key to
save each of them to your PC.
The certificate and private key cannot be revisited later for download and must be saved while
creating the Certificate.
Backup the existing
and rename the downloaded certificate as
in the
Backup the existing
and rename the downloaded private key as
privkey.cer in