CYW954907AEVAL1F Evaluation Kit User Guide, Doc. No. 002-22338 Rev. **
Reset Control
CYW54907 device can be reset using the "Target Reset" switch
or a reset command from the
on-board programmer/debugger and serial interface chip, as shown in
Figure 4-3
. The CYW54907/
BCM54907 datasheet states that HIB_REG_ON_IN needs to be delayed by at least 2 cycles of the
32.768 kHz clock after VBAT and VDDIO have reached 90% of their final values. To ensure proper
boot up, the RC delay circuit for HIB_REG_ON_IN is essential as shown in
Figure 4-4
Figure 4-3. Reset Circuit Diagram
Figure 4-4. HIB_REG_ON_IN RC Delay Circuit