CYW954907AEVAL1F Evaluation Kit User Guide, Doc. No. 002-22338 Rev. **
Kit Operation
This chapter introduces you to the CYW954907AEVAL1F EVK and the features that will be used as
part of Kit operation. Features such as Wi-Fi connection and programming/debugging are discussed
in this chapter. The chapter also describes the USB-UART that can be used to communicate with the
CYW54907 device on this EVK.
Theory of Operation
Figure 3-1 illustrates the block diagram of the CYW954907AEVAL1F EVK. This board contains
CYW54907 based SiP which is a Type 1PS Wireless module. This module is an embedded network
controller solution from Murata. This board also contains a USB-Serial interface / JTAG programmer
/ debugger. This board features Arduino form-factor compatible headers, which enables Arduino
shields to be plugged on top, extending its capabilities. This board also features two user switches,
two user LEDs, an RJ-45 connector for Ethernet, and a reset switch for the wireless module.
Figure 3-1. Block Diagram of CYW954907AEVAL1F EVK
On-board programmer/Debugger and Serial Interface Chip
An FT-2232-HQ chip is used for onboard programming, debugging and USB-Serial functionality. It
connects to the computer over a USB interface and connects to the CYW54907 based SiP module
over JTAG and UART pins. Alternately, you can use the External JTAG connector (J3) along with
(in all closed positions) in order to use JTAG from connectors such as Olimex.