CY3215-DK PSoC 1 In-Circuit Emulator Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-66514 Rev. *B
Code Examples
22.Open the existing main.c file in Workspace Explorer. Replace the existing main.c content with the
content of the My_First_Example_Project_Main.c file, which is available as an attachment to this
PDF document.
Figure 4-13. Workspace Explorer Window
23.Save the project.
24.Click Build > Generate/Build 'Example_My_First_PSoC_Project' .
25.Connect the ICE-Cube to the PC. Connect the ICE-Cube to the MiniEval board, as explained in
Connecting the ICE-Cube on page 16
26.In PSoC Designer, select Debug > Connect/Disconnect to connect the ICE to PSoC Designer.
Figure 4-14. Connecting ICE to PSoC Designer