CY3215-DK PSoC 1 In-Circuit Emulator Development Kit Guide, Doc. # 001-66514 Rev. *B
Using ICE-Cube Connector
Figure 3-13. Break Points in main.c
7. To view memory, registers, and watch variables at a particular location, go to Debug > Windows.
8. To start the debugging process, go to Debug > Go or press F5.
Use one of the following options for the debugging process:
a. Debug > Step Over (or press F8): Steps over next statement
b. Debug > Step Into (or press F9): Steps into next statement
c. Debug > Step Out (or press Shift + F11): Steps out of current function
d. Debug > Step ASM (or press Shift + F10): If the current line is C code, the line is located in
the first file and that line is executed