CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A
Kit Software
Figure 5-10. Dump RTC
The Help menu functions are shown in
Figure 5-11
Table 5-3. File Menu Options
File Menu
Load Memory…
This menu selection opens the 'Load Memory' dialog box, which specifies the starting
address, ending address, and the file from which to load data to nvSRAM memory.
Dump Memory…
This menu selection opens the 'Dump Memory' dialog box, which specifies the starting
address, ending address, and the file to which the data from nvSRAM memory should be
Load RTC…
This menu selection will load the 16 bytes of data from a file into the nvSRAM RTC regis-
Dump RTC…
This menu selection will dump the 16 bytes of data from the nvSRAM RTC registers to a
This menu selection will exit the application.
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