CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 nvSRAM Development Kit User Guide, Doc. # 002-03522 Rev. *A
Kit Operation
This section describes the setup to program and run the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board to execute the
nvSRAM access on the CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK.
Program the FM4 MCU Evaluation Board
The FM4 MCU is a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller device. A firmware code is required to
configure the MCU as the nvSRAM host controller to access the nvSRAM device on the
CY14NVSRAMKIT-001 DVK. The firmware example code provided with the DVK collateral supports
different nvSRAM functionalities such as write/read memory access, RTC register access, hardware
store, software store, and sleep mode by toggling the dedicated sleep (ZZ#) pin on the nvSRAM.
The FM4 MCU board requires the following setup for firmware programming; see
Figure 4-1
1. Set the Prog jumper to the Programming Mode.
2. Retain USBF, USBF, and NMI jumper settings.
3. Set the 3V jumper position for 3.3 V operation.
4. Set the DAP jumper.
5. Set SOT0, SIN0, MD0, and MD1 jumpers.
6. All other jumpers, not marked, should remain unconnected.
7. Connect the MCU board to a PC via the CN3 port for programming.
Refer to
A.6.4 Jumper Setting Table - FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Programming Mode on
page 63
for more details.
Figure 4-1. FM4 MCU Evaluation Board Jumper Setting in Programming Mode
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