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Cybex Arc Trainer 620A/629A Owner’s Manual
The device must be stable on the unit in all configurations.
Risk and leakage current of the final combinations must comply with IEC/EN 60601-1-1 and is the
responsibility of the end user to ensure compliance.
Electromagnetic emissions and immunity of all configurations must conform to IEC/EN 60601-1-2.
All added devices must have a compatible interface.
All devices must be used for their intended purpose.
Signal or mains isolation devices and additional protective earth may be needed to assure
compliance with IEC/EN 60601-1-1.
Do not power the entire system from a single outlet or power strip. If the unit is used with the
optional power supply, ensure that this power supply is plugged in to a separate outlet than any
connected device, to prevent exceeding the allowable leakage current of the system.
End user of a system shall ensure that interruption and restoration of the power supply to any
equipment or non-medical equipment of the system shall not result in a safety hazard other than
interruption or cessation of its intended function.