User Guide
7. To enforce Safe Search upon the selected user, click Apply Safe Search. Safe search
enforcement is used to block objectionable content to appear in search results.
8. To enable DNS based categorization of web and application, click Enable NGsense.
9. Click OK to customize Website Category access for the user.
Click OK to customize Website Category access for the user.I want my daughter to be
allowed access to
but I do not want her to access other social
networking websites. Is it possible?
1. Log in to NetGenie with administrator credentials.
or Edit the user that has been created for your daughter.
3. Click
Website List
, specify
under Allow Websites list and click
to save
changes in Website access.
4. Click
Website Category List
, block Social Networking web category and click
to save
changes in Website Category.
5. Click
to save over all access changes.
I want to allow my son accessing game sites in my presence only i.e. when I am at home in
the evening. What should I do?
How can I apply time-based Internet access?
Follow the steps given below to configure time-based access for Games Web category.
1. Log in to NetGenie with administrator credentials.
or edit the user that has been created for your son.
3. Click Web Categories List to edit access settings.
4. Click
against Games category to apply time-based access.
5. Click the time slots between 6 PM to 11 PM. It will turn green. Meaning, the selected user will
not able to access any site falling under Games category except during 6PM to 11PM.
6. Click
to save the changes.
– Time based Web Category Access
’m receiving “Blocked Website” message when I try to access
NetGenie. Is there any way one can allow access to the blocked website(s) from the
authentication page?
NetGenie displays
a “Block Website” message if it finds any content of specified websites
inappropriate for your age group, or the website or the Web Category to which that website
belongs has been blocked by the administrator.
The error page reflects NetG
enie’s Web categorization for the given URL, which helps users