CU-ER1 Operator’s Manual _ver 3.00
You may contact us at the following address and telephone number for services and
Product and Order Inquiries:
International Marketing Team
CU Medical Systems, Inc.
Room No. 534, DooSan Venture Digm,
126-1, Pyeongchon-dong, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 31 478 5722
Fax: +82 31 478 5729
email address:
Service Request and Technical Support
Customer Service Team
CU Medical Systems, Inc.
Medical Industry Complex, Bldg. No.2,
1720-26, Taejang-dong, Wonju-si,
Gangwon-do, 220-120 Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 33 747 7690
Fax: +82 33 747 7659
email address:
Our website:
EU Authorized Respresentative of CU Medical System ,Inc.
Branch Office of CU Medical System,Inc. in Germany
Kuester Strasse 6, 30519 Hannover, Germany
TEL:+49 511 365 4353
FAX:+49 511 848 6054