BA_Migros_ED3EX_GB 09.02.2011 12:13 Uhr Seite 12
2) Rims in connection with rim brakes
Not only the brake pad but also the rim is subjected to use
related wear on account of the interaction between the rim
brake and the rim. Hence, the rim should be checked at regular
intervals for wear and tear. The occurrence of fine cracks or
deformation of the rim horns when increasing the air pressure
indicates heavy wear and tear. Rims with wear indicators enable
the rider to detect the wear condition of the rim easily.
3) Brake pads
The brake pads for rim brakes, drum brakes and disk brakes are
subject to use related wear and tear. This depends on the use
of the cycle. Riding the cycle in rough or hilly terrain or using
it for sports activities can necessitate the replacement of the
brake pads at shorter intervals. Check the wear condition of the
covers and let your service partner replace them.
4) Chains and drive belts
The cycle chain is subject of use related wear and tear. The
extent of the wear depends on the servicing and maintenance
and the type of use of the cycle (mileage, riding in rain, dirt
and pollution, salt etc.). Regular cleaning and oiling can increase
the life, but replacement is necessary on reaching the wear limit
(approximately 2000–3000 km).
Parts subjected to regular wear and tear
Please note: List of parts subjected to regular wear and tear
1) Tyres
2) Rim in connection with rim brake
3) Brake
4) Chain and drive belt
5) Sprockets, pinions, inner bearings and transmission rollers
6) Bulbs and lighting system
7) Handle bar tapes / handle covers
8) Hydraulic oils and lubricants
9) Gear and brake jackets
10) Paint
1) Tyres
The cycle tyres are subject to use related wear and tear. The
extend depends on the use of the cycle and can be influenced
to a great deal by the rider. Sharp braking that leads to the
blocking of the tyre reduces the life of the tyre significantly.
Moreover, the air pressure should be checked regularly and if
necessary, increased to the value specified by the tyre
manufacturer. Excessive exposure to the sun, petrol, oils etc.
can damage the tyres.
Operating instructions