Appendix B. SIO Configuration
Doc.#6000-0015 Rev: A
Page 46
be displayed when trying to write the TEDS to the SIO. For
example, if the user selects a “General Voltage” type but the SIO
is an RTD signal conditioner then an error message will appear.
Users can determine which type of signal conditioning is present
a. Reading the SIO – this will automatically update the
“Type” (specific) selection box.
b. Viewing the Signal Conditioning screen.
3. Select the “Preferred Units.” This only affects display boxes in the
program. This information is not downloaded to the SIO. SIOs
and Nodes only work with SI units such as K (Kelvin). The text
below this box displays the conversion formula from
user-preferred units to the SI units.
4. Input the “Name” of the sensor. This is a user-defined name.
5. Input the sensor “Manufacturer.”
6. Input the sensor “Model” number.
7. Input the sensor “Serial” number.
8. In the Transducer Range section of the screen, enter the maximum
sensor range and minimum sensor range from the sensor data
9. In the Calibrated Transducer section of the screen, select whether
or not the sensor can be calibrated. If it can be calibrated enter the
last calibration date and next required calibration date.
10. In the Warm-up Time section of the screen, enter the sensor warm-
up time from the sensor data sheet. This tells the Node how long it
takes from applying power to the sensor before valid
measurements can be taken. (This is presently not used by the
system; it will be used later for low power applications where the
Node turns off the sensor power.)
11. In the Calibration Coefficients section of the screen, C1(Gain) is
the output of the sensor in volts/unit. For example, the screen shot
shows that the temperature sensor has an output of 0.100 volts per
degree C. Also enter the voltage offset of the sensor.
12. SIO Info: No user input. Shows revision levels of SIO.
Menu Selections:
File:Exit - exit program
File:Save TEDS File - allows user to store a TEDS file.
File:Open TEDS File - allows user to select and read-in a TEDS
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