Software Overview
Doc.#6000-0015 Rev: A
Page 37
Table 9. Sensors Display Control Buttons and Boxes
Label Function
Control Buttons
Stop data recording from the node to PC ComWare.
Manual Trigger/
ReArm Trigger
If in Trigger mode, capture currently displayed data.
Pause Display/
Resume Display
Stop displaying newly recorded data. Measurements
continue to be made and displayed discretely on the Node
Summary screen. While paused, the user can use the scroll
bar at the top of each output display to manually go back in
time to view data.
Unpausing a paused display restarts the Sensors Display in
real time, not at the point where it was paused.
Close Sensors Display screen.
Select File
Select and open a new or existing file in the PC ComWare
host PC to use to store sensor data.
Log All/
End Logging
Store (in PC file) all new Node data from this point on plus all
data already in the node plus all data in PC ComWare
buffers. See
Logging Data
Log New/
End Logging
Store (in PC file) all new Node data from this point on. See
Logging Data
Control Boxes
Dropdown list box to select the appropriate physical units for
scaling the associated plot. See
Display Scaling
Y Scaling
Dropdown list box to select the appropriate amplitude scaling
for the associated plot.
Alarm Limits
Checkbox to display red Alarm line(s) and yellow Warning
line(s) on the associated plot.
Display Scaling
The Y Scaling dropdown list box provides the user with 3 choices:
1. Min/Max – the range over which data is valid, the sensor’s
inherent limits taken from the TEDS and the manufacturer’s
configuration settings. No user input or control.
2. Manual – user settable using the editable limit boxes on the
vertical scale of each display. Click on any of the vertical scale
numbers to highlight it, enter a new number, press Enter on the PC
keyboard, and the vertical scaling will adjust itself.
3. Autoscale – amplitude scaling automatically done by PC
ComWare at each screen update. No user input or control.
SUNSTAR传感与控制 TEL:0755-83376549 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]
SUNSTAR自动化 TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]