Appendix B. SIO Configuration
Doc.#6000-0015 Rev: A
Page 52
SI = RH%, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Unit conversion records define the conversion from the desired units to the
SI units. They have the form:
CVT<n> = <units>, multiplier, offset
The first conversion record, converts the SI unit into it and is defined as:
CVT1 = <SI units>, 1, 0
There can be up to 31 additional records defining unit conversions. An
example to convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Kelvin is:
K = 9( F – 32)/5 + 273.15 = 5.56*F + 255.37
The resulting conversion record would be:
CVT<n> = F, 0.56, 255.37
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