Operational Overview
Doc.#6000-0015 Rev: A
Page 19
After sensors are attached to a SIO and the SIO is configured, users can
move the combination sensor/SIO to any Node without any recalibration or
reconfiguration. The SIO enables a plug and play system. All sensor
specific information (calibration, engineering units, etc.) is contained in the
SIO. Also, the Node retains all of its configuration information (sampling
rate, triggers, etc.) in its flash memory. Any hub (PC, PDA, etc.) can access
the Node and retrieve all configuration information. Users do not have to
create databases with configuration information.
In a typical CrossNet application, the user mounts sensors on a machine or
in a facility at any number of points to be monitored. The individual
sensors are then connected to CrossNet Nodes through SIO cables. Each
Node controls up to four sensors and incorporates a Bluetooth radio for
wireless communication with a computer or handheld device, which serves
as a hub. Figure 15 shows the CrossNet CN1100 Node.
Figure 15. CrossNet CN1100 Node
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SUNSTAR自动化 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]