5-6 Jumper Settings
To overclock a 66 MHz-based processor
Use the JP45 jumper if you want to force your 66 MHz-based
processor to run like a 100 MHz-based processor. JP45 fulfills a
function which will not be available to you otherwise. Once
overclocked, you can specify the exact system frequency and bus
clock multiplier as you would for a 100 MHz-based processor. The
whole range of 100 MHz-based processor settings will be available.
To overclock your 66 MHz-based processor to a 100 MHz-based
Remove the jumper cap from JP45 pins 1 and 2.
To clear the CMOS
Under some unusual circumstances, the configuration record created
by the CMOS Setup utility can become corrupted and unusable. This
can cause the motherboard to stop functioning properly. In such cases,
you need to clear the CMOS record by using jumper JP19.
To clear the CMOS
1. Switch off the computer.
2. Remove the jumper cap from JP19 pins 1 and 2.
3. Place the jumper cap over JP19 pins 2 and 3 for two seconds.
Figure 5-2: Location of JP45.