E220 & LE220 (-plus, R-plus, Rsc) Setup & Instruction Manual
Part Number: 010521 Rev B | May 2021
• Position Restrictions
It is sometimes convenient to run a method on a plate that is only
partially populated with samples. For example, consider a method that
treats all 12 columns in a 96-well plate. But now you have a plate that
has samples only in columns 4 to 6. Using Position Restrictions allows
treating a subset of a method’s specified positions. Refer to
Appendix B
of this document, Using SonoLab Position Restrictions.
• Additional system control functions are accessed via buttons at the right side of the screen.
• System Status displays the System Status panel, which shows whether the instrument conditions required to run a treatment
method are or are not met. A red X indicates a parameter has not been met, a green check indicates it has.
Acoustics Connected
: a green check indicates the electronics have successfully connected to the software.
Motion Connected
: a green check indicates the motion controller board is detected.
Chiller Connected
: a green check indicates that the chiller is communicating with the instrument.
: a green check indicates that the instrument’s motion system has been initialized.
Door Closed
: a green check indicates the safety door is closed.
Water Degassed
: a green check indicates the water has been degassing for a sufficient length of time. A yellow triangle
indicates that the water has not degassed for a sufficient time but may be overridden in Method Options.
Temperature within limits
: a green check indicates the water is within the temperature range specified by the currently
selected method. A yellow triangle indicates that the temperature has not reached the method’s specified temperature
range but may be overridden in Method Options.
Light Curtain
: a green check indicates that the light curtain is not violated.
Water Bath Present
: a green check indicates the acrylic water bath’s presence is detected.
Method Valid
: a green check indicates the selected method includes a valid plate definition file and treatment parameters.
A red X indicates the method is not valid and cannot be run. Use the Method Editor to correct the problems.
API Connected
: “No” is the default condition, indicating that the E220-plus is not under external automation control. “Yes”
indicates that the instrument is under external control, but most of the functionality continues to be available, unless the
external control is executing a treatment method. In this case, a method may not be started, and Motion and Water controls
are locked out. A user can still pause or abort the method.