8.2.10 - BACK-UP
The menu consists of several pages and, by scrolling with the
arrows, it is possible to consult and modify all the parameters
relating to additional heat sources:
Factory setting
Backup heating sources for heating
(Enabling internal electrical heaters, item “33” of Figure 6-22) End user
Selected -
Not selected
Not selected
Priority for backup heating sources (HBH)
(Selecting the first line, priority is given to the electrical
heater KM3 inside the heat pump, after which the electrical
heater KM1, item “11” in Figure 6-22, is called. Selecting the
second line the priority is inverse compared to the first line)
End user
a.- Lower than AH
b - Higher than AH
Higher than AH
Backup heating sources for sanitary hot water
(Enabling or disabling the electrical heater “20” of Figure
End user
Selected -
Not selected
Not selected
Priority for backup heating sources (HWTBH)
(Selecting the first line, priority is given to the electrical
heater inside the heat pump, item “33” in Figure 6-22, after
which the electrical heater “20” in Figure 6-22 is called.
Selecting the second line the priority is inverse compared to
the first line)
End user
a.- Lower than AH
b - Higher than AH
Higher than AH
Backup source start accumulating value (HBH)
(electrical heater demand algorithm “20” or “33” in Figure
6-22. The lower the value the external electrical heater is
called sooner)
End user
Water temperature rise reading interval (HWTBH)
(Check interval of the domestic hot water temperature incre-
ase to call the electrical heater “20” of Figure 6-22. The lower
this value is, the sooner the electrical heater is called)
End user
Emergency operation
(Enabling or disabling the demand function of the electrical
heaters, “20” and “33” of Figure 6-22, in the event that the
heat pump does not work correctly or is in alarm. Be careful if
you activate this function)
Selected -
Not selected
Not selected
Block the working of auxiliary heater (AH)
(Enabling or disabling the blocking function of the electrical
heater KM3, item “33” in Figure 6-22. The electrical heater
KM1 “33” in Figure 6-22 continues to work with its logics)
Selected -
Not selected
Not selected
Block the working of auxiliary heater (AH) according to outdo
or temp.
(Enabling or disabling of the block function of the electrical he-
ater KM3 of Figure 6-22 according to the threshold “External
auxiliary heater block temperature”. The electrical heater KM1
in Figure 6-22 continues to work with its logics)
Selected -
Not selected
Not selected
Set outdoor temp. to block the working of auxiliary heater
(Enable threshold of the function recalled in the parameter
“Block the working of auxiliary heater (AH) according to outdo
or temp.”).
8 - USE
Figure 8-17 - Back-up icon